Tuesday, March 4, 2008

CIC Papua New Guinea Coffee

Digging up dirty deals seems to be real easy where Ricky Mitio is concerned. Most of the information gathered has either been in news reports, or spoken of freely on the streets. What a corrupt person to have the power he has. Why does he have any authority??

Take for example Miss Coffee Papua New Guinea. Now a single mother after a "successful" competition. On what "merits" was she judged?? Who were the judges and what yardstick did they use?? The BIG question is WHO IS THE FATHER OF THE BABY???

Why did Ricky Mitio promote the coffee industry as a tourism draw to Papua New Guinea? Was it because he owned a travel agency and used money to promote it's services. All tickets HAD to go through his agency, and not ticketed from Air New Guinea. The money was misused, the travel stopped and the business was closed. Failure at the expense of his abuse and mismanagement.

More failures to follow .......................... on Ricky Mitios ventures funded with your Papua New Guinea money that should be used for the public good.

What about all the home improvements and repairs he did, the carpenters were paid from the CIC Papua New Guinea. Shouldn't this money be used to help the farmers on the land, not just him sitting in his fancy house???

More to come ... MUCH MUCH more.

Monday, March 3, 2008

PNG Coffee Industry - Not Excempt from Corruption

We wrote early in the week about the cash and corruption within the coffee industry in PNG.

With some of the private responses we got there is obviously no smoke without fire.

Why people have to live in fear of retribution for saying what is true is beyond me, may be its that papua new guinea is corrupt to the core, after all it was voted as the 29th most corrupt country last year and it looks like some of the coffee bosses are helping it climb even higher, is this what Mr. Ricky Mitio wants?

Speak up now, bring these people to justice, it's your country too.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

PNG Corruption

Corruption is now recognised as a serious disease eating away and wasting this rich country.

Talk cannot become action because there is no will and vision to materialise it.

All good things must start from the throne and flow out to its people.

These must not be blocked. Election after election, many people with good hearts get elected to Parliament, yet most of them turn away from their people.

It is now time for all the good people of this country to seriously think about this.

Have your say.

Conspiracy & Corruption

Two very interesting books that have recently been published. One is Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold by Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave.
The other is The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century By Glen Yeadon.Both these books are about corruption and conspiracy - at a global level. The basic outline is: -
Japan looted huge amounts of gold from Korea, Burma, Manchuria (in China) between 1925-1945.
Some of that gold was shipped to Japan. A lot of it was buried - yes, that is right, buried in Philippines.
American generals, (MacArthur being a major figure), Presidents, bureaucrats (Dulles, etc.) covered these gold hoard - and never publicly revealed or accounted for.
This gold was used for illegal purposes - likes arms aid to Nicaragua, Iran-Contra scandal, etc.
Many Japanese politicians, bureaucrats - and the royal family were involved.
What is behind this? The usual suspects - Loot, Colonialism, War, Hegemony …